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Frequently Asked Questions

What Payment Methods Are Available?

We accept Strip payments, Discover, Mastercard, Visa or American Express.

How Do I Track My Order?

Click Track your Order link on the top right in the header or in the footer and enter Order ID and Billing Email.

How Should I to Contact if I Have Any Queries?

Go to our Contact Us page and use any method available.

Do I Need an Account to Place an Order?

Having an account is not essential on our bhahu.com as you can select Checkout as Guest to complete an order without logging in. Any orders placed as a guest require you to manually enter your address and payment information and will not be saved for future reference.

To speed up future orders, increase the credibility of orders and get updated about the latest products and trends. We recommend you create an account. You can create an order by clicking the My Account link in the top right corner of the site header or you can create a new account during checkout.